Monday 29 August 2011

Yeah this is real life...

The first thing I see when I wake up Sunday Morning is the big, beautiful, blue Caribbean Sea. It's an easy thing to get used to, but It's hard not to think that I am just on vacation. I'm sure reality will smack me in the face once classes start at 8am on Sept. 5th, but until then I am going to enjoy my free time!
Sunday was an adventure day for us, so our group decided to go zip lining or Jungle Surfing as they call it here. Phil (our driver) pulled up in his van "Proper Ting" (named after the delicious sprite like soft drink here, all of the vans are named) we took a winding route along the coast. It make me nervous to think that at some point I will be driving on these crazy roads (which the cars are on the opposite side) where people are zipping by, animals are crossing the road, and the cliff is just a brick or two from the wheels of your car. As we were zooming along I just could not get over how colorful everything is here, the houses, the cars, the lush green forests, and the various animals all against a back drop of the ocean or the beautiful volcanic mountains. We stopped along the coast to take a scenic picture as well as at the Rum Bottle Tree.
A quick turn down a dusty, pothole filled road and we pulled into the Central Forest Reserve National Park...jungle surfing here we come!
The staff at the zip lining place were fantastic and made everything so much fun. We were not allowed to go onto the next stage until everyone gave an enthusiastic "Yea Man!!" Once we were fitted with our equipment and we took a practice run, we were loaded up into a range rover jeep and climbed the steep, rocky, winding road to the top of the forest.
I had gone zip lining before, but this time it was different still beautiful, but instead of just amazing rain forest scenes we got fantastic views of the mountains and the sea. I took plenty of pictures, but I had to take a video as well just to show everyone the experience. I think zip lining should be a legit form of transportation around the island, it is a green way to go!
After a very sweaty and fun afternoon we had some down time before the real fun began with a pizza and paperwork party to get ready for the upcoming orientation week.

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