My flights on Saturday were perfect no problems at all, but I still had no idea where my bags were and if or when I was going to get them. The woman at the counter was awesome and helped my mom get in touch with the baggage people in Miami to see if they could find my bags. The flight to Charlotte was quick and first class flight to St. Kitts was awesome I took full advantage of the legroom, the food, and the free drinks :)
As we landed on St. Kitts all I could see was the big beautiful Caribbean Sea to my left and to my right, green jungles with tin roofs and dirt roads peeking out between the trees. As I stepped of the plane the heat hit me in a wave and as I stepped into the airport the AC did the same. I breezed through customs and went to talk to someone about my bags. A nice guy by the name of Phil showed me a bunch of bags that had been sent from Miami, but none of them were mine. He said that sometimes they magically appear and I should just wait. Well he was right all three of them appeared on the conveyor belt one right after the other. Soon after I was loaded into a van with my OL Sharon and our driver for the week and we were off. We were zooming down narrow roads that look like they could just fit two cars on. Brightly colored houses and lush green forests were a blur as we whizzed by them. We pulled on campus and up to my apartment building where I was given just enough time to throw my bags on my bed and change into shorts before we were off to the grocery store.
It was overwhelming stepping into the small store that was full of people. I knew what the exchange rate from US dollars to St. Kitts EC but it was still hard to figure out prices and everything was pretty expensive. Plus I had no idea what I even wanted to get. I just picked up a few things for breakfast and then we were back in the van zooming back to the school. I had only a short time to change and start to settle in my room before the group was off to dinner at the Sprat Net which was delicious! It is an open air cabana hut restaurant/bar with only Lobster, Chicken, Ribs, or Pizza on the menu it took a while to get the food (everything is on Island time here) but everything was so good. I was exhausted, but the night did not end there. We headed to Ziggy's Bar on the beach and had some drinks and played corn hole under the ridiculously beautiful clear, starry sky. It was a fun night, but as soon as I got home I made my bed and crashed.
Alright time for post will be all about my jungle surfing adventure :)
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