Friday 9 September 2011

The White Coats are coming...

Monday was the day I had been waiting for my whole life, what everything has been building up to since I decided to become a vet around the age of five. Since I had my interview for Ross last April and I found out I got in; life has been a whirlwind. After getting together all the appropriate paperwork,the flight, rabies vaccines, supplies, packing up my apartment and moving my life to another country for the next three years I finally made it. I walked into my gross anatomy lab and it hit me, I'm actually here. Classes that day were full of information I knew and a lot that I didn't, but what it came down to was knowing that this is where I am meant to be.
At 4pm on Monday I put on my white coat and recited my veterinary student oath

"At the time of being inducted into the College of Veterinary Medicine at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, I solemnly pledge:
To consecrate my life to the service of both animals and humanity;
To give my teachers, staff and classmates the respect that is their due;
To conduct myself at all times with conscience, dignity, and integrity;
To always provide comfort and compassion to both taching and client animals left in my care;
To avoid allowing considerations of religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, politics, or social standing to preclude productive and constructive relationships with teachers, staff, classmates, or clients;
To maintain the honor and noble traditions of the veterinary medical profession;
To never use my veterinary medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;
I make these promises sincerely, freely and upon my honor."

And then I was officially inducted into the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. It was a huge relief and an overwhelming pressure all at the same time. It was a relief to finally get in and achieve that goal, but at the same time the pressure of the next three years just unloaded on my shoulders. The rest of the week was a flurry of information from all sides. This is definitely not undergrad. Preparing for class each day is like studying for a test in undergrad. I can't wait to find out what it is like to take a test here.
Well I made it through my first week, but a weekend here is not full of hanging out at the beach (especially when there is a tropical storm warning) it is full of studying all the material I learned over the first week and prepare for the next. So enough of a break...back to studying...

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