Monday 21 November 2011

It's been a long time...

so I have been really bad about this blog and my new years resolution is to change that!

here is the bit of blog I wrote back on November 21st: My brain is oozing out of my ears or that's what it feels like sometimes. I just finished my last midterm of my first semester of vet school and my brain definitely feels like mush. It doesn't seem possible that I am almost done with my first semester...26 days to be exact! A lot has happened since my last post.
Mid-semester break I did go on an awesome catamaran trip to Nevis. The day was hot and humid! It was nice to lay on the deck, soak up the sun and feel the wind against your cheek. The drinks weren't bad either :) When we landed on Nevis we went straight to Sunshine's to get the signature drink a "Killer bee" No one will tell you exactly what is in it but it was delightful! While sipping my killer bee I met a retired Scotsman who sailed his yacht from Europe to here and who owns a dive shop on Nevis....

So a ton has happened since November 21st. First and foremost I made it through my 1st semester of Vet School!!! I moved into my apartment and officially got my car all before finals ended. Finals was definitely a crazy crazy time, studying and eating and sleeping occasionally it was like undergrad finals but times 10! Then right after my last final (which was Micro, my worst class) I had to get on a plane and head home. My flight to Miami and then on to Laguardia was pretty uneventful just a bit of running through the Miami airport to get to my gate. Then a 5 hour layover in the freezing Laguardia airport before finally getting my flight home to Rochester.
Break was ok, I mean I loved seeing family, my pets and my friends and going to all my favorite places to eat and finally getting to drink good beer, but it was exhausting! I was bouncing between my parents house out in the middle of the boonies and my brothers place in Rochester while not having a car. I dont think I got a really good night sleep once while I was home. The other hard thing was that everyone wanted to see me all at once and it just was not possible! I tried my best, I was even planning on going to Philly to see my college friends but with no car and not a ton of time it proved impossible. All in all in the end being home was great but it definitely was not a break for me.
My flight back to the island was pretty normal, minus having Feisty (my cat) with me. She was phenomenal! I can't believe she pretty much slept the whole time including the six hours in the Chicago airport. As soon as I let her out in the apartment she was strutting around like she owned the place and had lived here her whole life. So needless to say she is adjusting well to Island life.
As for me it has been hard trying to get back into the swing of things. My first few days back before classes started was full of getting the apartment set up, organizing stuff for school, driving my car into a ditch that I couldn't see (long story, short I had to get it towed out but everything was fine!).
Second semester classes took off at what felt like warp speed. Vet school is no joke now (not that it was before), but no more holding your hand it has gotten hard core. I'm trying my best t0 really stay on top of things, but already the information is overwhelming.

Oh the one really awesome thing I am doing is semester is training for a 2.5 mile channel swim from Nevis to St. Kitts to raise money for the St. Kitts Sea Turtle Monitoring Network! Check my page out and donate if you can

Well we will see what this semester brings. Alright time for bed since I need to get some hard core studying for Anatomy done tomorrow, quiz on Tues!